Understanding Employee Benefits: Benefits-in-Kind vs. Perquisites

When it comes to employee compensation, understanding the nuances of benefits is crucial. In this article, we delve into two key categories: Benefits-in-kind and Perquisites (commonly known as “perks”). By grasping the differences between these two types of benefits, employers and employees can make informed decisions.

Benefits-in-Kind (BIKs)

Definition: Benefits-in-kind refer to non-monetary perks provided by employers or on their behalf. These benefits cannot be converted into cash and are typically offered alongside regular salary or wages.


  • Company cars: If your employer provides you with a company car for both work and personal use, this falls under the BIK category.
  • Living accommodation: When an employer offers accommodation (such as a house or apartment) to an employee, it is considered a benefit-in-kind.
  • Other non-cash perks: BIKs may include health insurance, gym memberships, or even free meals at the workplace.

Perquisites (Perks)

Definition: Perquisites are benefits that can be either in cash or kind and are convertible into money. Unlike BIKs, perks can be monetized.


  • Travel allowances: If your employer reimburses you for travel expenses, such as mileage or transportation costs, this is a perquisite.
  • Reimbursement for personal expenses: Suppose you hire a personal driver, and your employer covers the cost. That reimbursement is a perquisite.
  • Cash bonuses: Year-end bonuses or performance-based incentives fall into the perks category.

Key Takeaways

  • BIKs are non-cash benefits that cannot be exchanged for money.
  • Perks can be either cash or non-cash and are convertible into cash.
  • Employers should clearly communicate these benefits to employees during the hiring process and throughout their employment.

Remember, a well-informed workforce leads to better job satisfaction and productivity. Whether you’re an employer or an employee, understanding these distinctions ensures that you make the most of your compensation package.

To gain additional information or seek any help, contact us at Zentrusted.




This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Always refer to the official websites/guidelines/regulations of the relevant authorities for detailed information and consult with a professional for personalized guidance.

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