The Complete Employer’s Guide to EPF Contributions in Malaysia

As an employer in Malaysia, it is your responsibility to pay EPF contributions for any person you have engaged to work under a Contract of Service or Apprenticeship. You must ensure that accurate monthly contributions are deducted from your employees’ salary and remitted to EPF. The contribution rate for employees and employers is 11% and 12% or 13% of the monthly wages, respectively. The contribution is calculated based on the monthly wages of an employee.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you understand your obligations as an employer:

1.       Determine the contribution rate: The contribution rate for employees and employers is 11% and 12% or 13% of the monthly wages, respectively. The contribution is calculated based on the monthly wages of an employee.

2.       Calculate the contribution amount: The contribution amount is calculated based on the monthly wages of an employee. Employers must ensure that accurate monthly contributions are deducted from their employees’ salary and remitted to EPF.

3.       Make monthly payments: Employers must make monthly payments on or before the 15th of the month. For late contribution payments, employers are required to remit contributions in accordance with the Third Schedule, EPF Act 1991.

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This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Always refer to the official websites/guidelines/regulations of the relevant authorities for detailed information and consult with a professional for personalized guidance.

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Employer’s Guide to EIS, SOCSO, and EPF Contributions in Malaysia